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In 2007 I was diagnosed with Acute Gastritis of the stomach. The pain is extremely painful and stomach feels like something is pumping or beating. Eating is very difficult because

Sunday, September 4, 2016

10 Tips That Help You Control Acid Reflux or GERD

It's been a battle that I cannot say when will last but I can only control how the battle against acid reflux. Unfortunately finding the absolutely cure for acid reflux without worrying of the foods I ate is quite slim. Anyways, win or not I am going to control my acid reflux decease by avoiding foods, drinks and even stress because that' the only way I could feel better.

Months had past and I had discovered a few ways to control or manage my acid reflux without taking medications. I will be sharing to you my readers some ways that I do to control my decease.

1. Drink alkaline water from time to time - not much but take little by litte - just enjoy drinking not pushing it much.

2. Take enough rest - this is one way of relieving from stress. Sleep 6 - 8 hours and take a nap in the afternoon. Sleeping position is important too, sleep incline or sleep on your left side. This will push acid down on your stomach to avoid going up to your sphincter and throat.

3. Avoid coffee or drinks like coca cola and alcoholic beverages - taking this drinks will improve acid and its not good for ones health.

4. Do not or avoid taking cigarette - I do smoke before but now I breaking the habit. It feels good and I can breath more.

5. Avoid prolong use of computers without positing your body properly. Try to position upright all the time when using computer because bending your stomach will not help at all in relieving acid reflux.

6. Include vegetables and fruits in every meal. Not only does help from digesting and avoiding acid reflux but it also the best way to stay healthy. Also eat on time.

7. Do sports or exercise just to make your body in good condition. However do not over exercise since it may cause more secretion of stomach acid. Well you can also take alkaline water to dilute those acid.

8. Enjoy your life - go out to the world and have fun with friends. Spend time going out rather thinking or depressing yourself because of this decease.

9. Avoid fast food and overeat. We all know that eating fast food from fast food chain is not healthy and so avoid eating from it.

10. Take apple cider vinegar by bragg 20 mins before meal.Morning is the best time to take apple cider vinegar. Take 1 teaspoon and mix with warm water and drink.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

4 IFs That I Believe Cause Acid Reflux

Every  now and then I always tried to figure out what cause acid reflux to occur. Is it the food I ate or the things that I do that would stress me a lot?  Which of these 2 cause acid reflux, the food or the stressful life? If acid reflux cause by food then why so many of my friends who ate a lot of spicy, oily, acidic food  and worst drinks a lot of beer but does not experience acid reflux? It is really weird to understand the cause of acid reflux but for my opinion it may matters on what you do everyday accompanied by food excessively staff into my stomach.

What really cause acid reflux?

For what I discovered is that acid reflux, heartburn, burping and upper stomach abdominal pain are all cause by stress. Why? because if you are stress all the organs such as stomach will not properly digest the foods we ate, probably will turn sour like a vinegar that will irritate the sphincter that connects the esophagus and stomach. Am I making sense?

Stress is what makes my body and organs to weak and because of that chronic acid reflux does not go away until I manage my stress.

I have taken so many kind of proton pump prohibitor drugs but all of them doesn't work, and I am not the only who agrees with me. I read so many acid reflux sufferer that says that even the medicine they take does not work on them.

Now I realized that medicine would not work if I will not cope with my stress in my everyday life. So I have determine 4 IF's that cause my acid reflux.

1. If I can't learn to say NO

learning to say NO from invites or activity will lessen my stress. I don't bother myself of going out or doing something that others requested me to do.

2. If I can't stop my late night internet activity

I have been doing late night internet activity all night before I was diagnosed with acid reflux. Staying up all night will only worsen

3. If I can't relax myself and my mind

Taking deep breaths will help relax body and mind. Taking 3 long deep breaths will somehow feel myself relax.

4. If I can't sleep well at night

It is important that before I sleep, I empty my mind with any thoughts that may bother my sleep. So to that, I take 3 deep breath and exhale upto 7 secs, push all the air out.

so if I could manage all 4 then I could cure acid reflux easily.

So the best cure for acid reflux is not medicine or staying away from foods but managing stress and making myself relax. Because stress for me is the most common cause of acid reflux. I bet many acid reflux sufferer works at night shift, don't have enough sleep, don't exercise, can't say NO, can't relax their minds and worst always think of so many things.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Home Remedy Acid Reflux That I Practice Everyday

I have tried all sorts of medical treatment and capsules but unfortunately it didn't made any significant changes to my acid reflux condition. And so I have practice home remedy acid reflux to manage and hopefully cure it for good. I'm gonna share to you my daily regimen that gives me a relief to my acid reflux condition.

To my readers seeking cures acid reflux - it may not work on you but I am really hoping that it will give you the best results. Before you take or follow my regimen please be sure that you do not have any other conditions that may result bad to your health or condition. I am hoping that you have done due diligence to take care of your health.

Home remedy acid reflux that you can try on your own to manage or hopefully that cures acid reflux forever. 

1. I wake early in the morning around 5 am - after 6 hours of sleeps.
2. I drink 1 glass of warm water.
3. After 10 minutes I go to the bathroom and before I take a bath, I take 3 deep breaths and exhale all the way upto 7 secs. It will momentarily make you feel good and you would feel it cures acid reflux. It will relax your mind and body. It really is nice feelling.
4. After taking a shower, take another deep breaths and feel relax.
5. At work, I take Biscuit and 1 bottle water, I will not eat breakfast till I have finish my biscuit.
6. My breakfast will be like fish and 1 cup of rice. Vegetables like malunggay or amplaya.
7. At 11 am, I take 1 glass of water before I take my lunch. Eat slowly and grind my food thoroughly before swallowing. Take another glass of water after 2 mins eating. I drink it slowly.
8. On my afternoon snack, around 3pm, I take another biscuit.
9. On dinner I eat grilled fish or vegetables in small amounts only. A slice of fresh fruit like watermelon or melon is my supplement.
10. At around 930 PM. I would take another 3 deep breaths while lying on the bed before going to sleep. It relaxes my mind, and body. This will help me fall asleep easily.

I do this all the time, and I feel better that cures acid reflux throughout the day. That is how I manage throughout the entire day. So far everything is well and good. I don't feel so much pain, bloating, and burping. It's a great relief. However I am deprived from so many tempting foods which is not advisable.

I think the best cure to acid reflux is to manage your stress.

That is my home remedy acid reflux regimen everyday. What's yours?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Best Sleeping Position to Relieve Acid Reflux

Best sleeping position for acid reflux

Sleep is very important for our body. This is the time when our body repairs and build damage tissues. When we are young kids, we sleep longer than 8 hours but now as we grow older, our body sleeps only about 6 to 8 hours. As we sleep our body recharge to gain energy so that when we wake up we can do our activities in full power. Also when we sleep at night, our stomach begins to digest food that we have had taken during dinner, thus it secret acids to aid digestion. As for my observation and experience, these acid that our stomach secreted can also be a major factor that cause pain at the upper abdomen, heartburn and back pain.

If my sleeping position is the usual flat position, I could feel heartburn in the middle of the night or pain at the upper abdomen when I wake up in the morning. These position is the easiest way for me to sleep but unfortunately this is a big NO NO for people with acid reflux or GERD like me. I think sleeping in this position will irritate the sphincter, a connection between stomach and esophagus. When the sphincter is irritated due to stomach acid then it could create stomach discomfort during the day. I take a glass of water early in the morning when I wake up but unfortunately in doesn't completely relieve the pain.

So what is the best sleeping position with acid reflux individuals?

According to world wide web, the best sleeping position for acid reflux is to position your upper body in a 45 degrees angle. The reason for these, is to prevent acid from back flowing to our esophagus. Because of the law of gravity, the acid will not be able to go up if you're going to sleep incline position.

Have you notice at the hospitals that there beds can be adjusted almost at 90 degrees angle?
This is because patients with GERD or acid reflux can adjust there sleeping position in a 45 degrees incline position. I been hospitalize for 2 days and I like their bed.

I have been sleeping in 45 degrees angle and I can say that this sleeping position is the best for individuals like me with acid reflux. I have noticed that when I sleep in this position, I feel less or no pain at my upper abdomen and no back pain. I wake up feeling good without any sort of pain that I usually felt when I sleep in a flat position.

My conclusion is that the best sleeping position for acid reflux is the incline position where my upper body is position in a 45 degrees angle or sleep sideways. I could use my pillows to pile them like a ladder so that I could create a comfortable incline position.

How about you, what sleep position you do to cope with your GERD? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What cause my GERD or Acid Reflux to occur?

I been trying to trace what had caused my GERD or Acid Reflux for many years now. It is important that I should trace back the main reason why I had stomach acid attacks in my college days.I have this idea that if I could trace the cause then I could avoid it and may help cure acid reflux. I am really hoping that I could be able to determine what really cause my acid reflux.

Back to the past, during my college days. I had a great life with friends going out late at night, having drinks all the time and ate foods whatever I like. So much fun that I could ignore what is bad for me. Well I never thought that I would end up suffering GERD or acid reflux for my whole life now. Its hard and I feel like I have taken my life away now. I have no life literally.

But the very confusing thing for me when I tried to analyze the cause for my acid reflux has been troubling me so many years. Of all my friends, I was the only one who suffered this disease. We drink together till the last drop. I just wondered why on earth that I am the only one who got this disease and not them too. However I didn't wish for that for them. I've been trying to figure this one out why of all of my friends, I am the only one with acid reflux.

Also my friends are a lot alcoholic than me, I stop drinking first before them during drinking session. They had more beers than I could take but how come that they had not experience acid reflux ever? Was it because of my body physique or something my body that is prone to this disease?

I went to find out what life my friends are at home, what they do, eat and drink?
What I found could be the reason why they haven't experience acid reflux or GERD its because of the following:

  • During meal, they take water instead of softdrinks or colas
  • Take a rest or sleep for a long period of time
  • They don't like milk 
  • They eat less and would prefer foods with soup 
  • They don't think much or don't stress their minds to something
  • They are too stubborn to do household choirs
That just a few things that I have noticed with my friends. Most of these are opposite to what I am doing like I often drink colas after meal, had less sleep, I drank milk before bed, I eat almost anything like fried foods, I think to much thus it would stress me a lot. Well I realized that this could be the reason of my acid reflux to occur. And so I haven't had this routine, I wouldn't have acid reflux in the reflux. 

I remember that when I have too much alcohol, I always had unbearable stomach ache cause by acids, I vomit and spill out acidic saliva. I feel like that I was going to die when this will occur. Little that I know that this is now the starting of my acid reflux symptoms. I have a very weak stomach for alcohol and acidic drinks. 

I never thought that all of these contributed to my acid reflux disease. 

How about you guys, what do you think might trigger your acid reflux?

Monday, April 27, 2015

Fruits for Acid Reflux That Makes Me Feel Better

There are many fruits out there that I enjoyed eating and my favorites are oranges, melon, apple, watermelon, papaya and mango. However some of these fruits are not safe for acid reflux in which I have to avoid like mango, oranges and apple. These fruits contains some sort of acid that may worsen the pain. How unfortunate that I had to deprive myself from eating these wonderful fruits just to avoid severe acid reflux.

Before I had GERD or acid reflux experience, I always have fruits on my table during my meal, mango or apple. I take them after meal but now I take melon, papaya or watermelon as my side dish. It help relieve my acid reflux pain when taking fruits like melon, papaya and watermelon. These watery fruits is perfect for neutralizing stomach acidity.

I think the best neutralizer for my stomach acid were melon and watermelon because of its watery  and soothing characteristics. I really feel relief after taking these fruits and it helps in food digestion too because its high in fiber.

Below are list of safe fruits for Acid Reflux that I frequently take:

1. Melon (Cataloupe)- these delicious fruit is low in calorie and its perfect for snack or side dish. It has vitamin C, vitamin A, Potassium and Lycopene. These fruit cost around 50 to 60 pesos on local grocery store. Its watery and refreshing characteristics helps neutralize stomach acidity. A perfect fruit for relieving stomach acidity. I often eat this fruit during an afternoon snack.

2. Watermelon - This reddish fruit is rich in fiber thus its perfect aid in food digestion. Also its juice is refreshing and contains vitamin A and E. Watermelon is antioxidant, low fat, cholesterol and calories and its a delicious snack that's healthy for the heart. I often take these fruit right after meal and I feel my stomach is being neutralize by its juice. Its delicious too and I love taking it.

3. Papaya - I always look for these fruit because its rich in digestive enzymes. Its perfect for relieving constipation. Its juice and properties also helps in relieving stomach acidity. I usually take this fruit after dinner.

Those 3 fruits above helps a lot in my relieving pain cause by acid reflux or GERD. I maintain those fruits all the time and eating them with pleasure. Its a delicious snack, nutritious and stomach friendly. I acquire these fruits from grocery at the mall or at the market. I bought only the fresh one.

I think for me these are the fruits best for acid reflux reliever based on my observation and experience.

How about you, whats fruit/fruits that you have observed that could help relieve your stomach pain cause by acid reflux?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Acid Reflux Management - My Daily Routine

Acid Reflux Management isn't that easy for me

Its hard for me to change the way I my lifestyle, I always been eating, drinking and sleeping late at night. My good times are over, drinking alcohol with friends, eating pizza and lasagna, even working late at night on my computer has to stop. Everything has to change now. I do the very opposite of the things that I do before. I have to say NO to friends inviting me to party and going out to have fun at night because to avoid alcohol peer pressure and sleeping late at night.

How did I able to manage my GERD for 7 years?

Its not that easy and I tell I still have acid reflux attacks many times. I just can't stay away to spicy foods, soft drinks, and the irresistible chocolates. However I had found that the more I stress my body and mind the more my GERD is getting worse. Sleepless nights (insomnia) is one of the things that I'am trying to cope with but its been like this since college days. One thing I do to keep my body and mind tired is to play sports like table tennis so that during the night my body will be tired and it help me fall asleep easily.

There are a lot of things to avoid when you have acid reflux disease like foods, stress, and drinks. I have to list many things and keep them all in mind all the time thus to avoid stomach pain.

I have to maintain my daily routine of food and exercise to keep my body low in acid. I take alkaline water like Nature  Springs Ph9 water. However I couldn't follow my routine especially when your craving for something or attending special occasions where you can't resist the tempting display of lechon and your favorites in the menu. When that happens, I expect a burst of pain in my upper abdomen and even feel vomiting.

Below is a list of things that I do to manage my acid reflux disease:

1. I drink 1 glass of water early in the morning.
2. At 6:30 am I eat my breakfast. Fried Fish, Fish with soup and rice.
3. After eating, I take brisk walk.
4. Fruits like watermelon and cantalope/melon are my favorites.
5. At 11 am I take my lunch with vegetables like ampalaya or special chopsuey dish.
6. Take a short walk.
7. At 3 pm, I take a tea.
8. At dinner I take a little meal fish or vegetables.
9. Sleep at 10 pm

The above routine that I do is somewhat makes me feel better but still I still feel something in my upper abdomen, somewhat itchy. For what I think, its inflammatory pain that I feel. Somewhere my sphincter were located. I have to grasp some air because I endure the pain way too much. I think breathing deep can help ease the pain. Well somewhat that's what I feel.

Today and next day, I always try my best to find the best routine to cope with my acid reflux. Its hard for me to find whats best because for what I think food isn't just the main culprit. I know someday I'll get cured by my acid reflux. When that day comes I'll be free and enjoy my life to the fullest.

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